Category: Plumbing

Top Benefits of Waterproofing Your Home

Water damage is one of the top threats you as a homeowner may face that can lead to expensive repairs and devastating loss or destruction. Waterproofing your home, either through an interior or exterior system, will have numerous benefits for both your home and your family now and in the future. Waterproofing may be done as


Plumbing Noises That May Be a Cause for Concern

Have you ever heard a strange sound when using your water at home that makes it seem like there’s a creature lurking in your pipes? Loud noises coming from your plumbing might be trying to tell you something. While some plumbing noises are inevitable, others may be a cause for concern. Faucets and Water Hammer


Plumbing Winterizing: Preparing Your Home for Winter

As the weather becomes colder and winter begins, it’s important to winterize your home’s plumbing. Plumbing winterizing helps to prevent your pipes from freezing and bursting, which can cause devastating water damage and costly repairs. When temperatures drop and water freezes within a pipe where a faucet is closed, pressure builds and water can end


Six Ways to Keep Mold at Bay in Your Home

When it comes to your home, one of the worst things that can wreak havoc on it is mold, which usually forms in basements and moisture-prone areas as mold spores need water in order to grow. Mold can be harmful to both your home and your health, especially if it goes undetected or unaddressed for