The official start of summer was just last week, but temperatures across the country are expected to reach the nineties and even over a hundred degrees this week! Here in Pittsburgh, we’re seeing temps in the low to mid nineties continuing through this weekend. The heat is on; Gilley wants to know, is your home ready?
Now is a crucial time to have proper cooling/air conditioning in your home. As temperatures rise, so does the concern over heat-related health issues. Young children, elderly adults, and anyone with a disease or other illness are the most susceptible to side effects from exposure, or overexposure, to extreme heat. Dehydration and heat stroke are two of these side effects that are commonly seen when temperatures soar. And, with Gilley in mind, don’t forget about your pets! They can suffer the same effects that we can and should be kept cool and safe from the heat as long as it lasts.
Call Gillece to have your A/C checked and to keep your home cooled down from now until summer’s end. With Chilly Gilley’s A/C Diagnosis, a Gillece HVAC Cooling Technician can conduct a check-up of your air conditioning unit, a safety inspection, a diagnosis explanation with recommendations for repair and pricing options, plus a post-diagnosis consultation. Chilly Gilley covers the Pittsburgh region including Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Washington, and Westmoreland Counties. No matter where you live, Gillece is close to you! Your air conditioner’s safe functionality is of utmost importance during extreme heat as we are seeing this week. Keep you, your home, your family, and your pets safe! Don’t hesitate- call Gillece!