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Updating Your Electrical and Plumbing Systems

Updating Your Electrical and Plumbing Systems can Lower the Cost of Homeowners Insurance

Homeowner’s insurance costs can be expensive. Sometimes when buying an insurance policy you should shop around in order to find the one that best fits what you need. In order to save money, review your policy when it’s up for renewal each year. Also look at what you can update or install in your home that can make a difference. Did you know that installing a security system can lower your premium? Adding storm shutters to make your home more storm resistant can also lower your insurance premium.

So if you’re looking for a new policy, you might want to think about updating your plumbing and electrical system to reduce the risk of fire or water damage. Insurance companies want to know about the updates done to your roof, HVAC, plumbing and electrical systems. If these systems are old or out of date, they may be costing you.

If the plumbing hasn’t been updated it is a red flag for insurers. Problems with plumbing systems can lead to water damage which then leads to expensive fixes. The same can be said for electrical systems. If your system is old it can lead to technical problems and seen as a liability. Making sure your electrical system is up to code can save you in the long run.

So now before you start shopping for a lower insurance premium, see what you can do to lower the costs on your own. You’ll be surprised what a little updating can do! If you want to update any of your systems, call Gillece today!