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Save Energy During Easter

environmental friendly Easter is a great time to spend with family and friends welcoming spring and the coming of warmer weather. What better way to celebrate than with a major feast or going on a mini vacation? Whether you’re hosting or traveling out of town – cut down on your utility cost with these helpful tips!

Ditch the OvenLike most people in America, you’re most likely cooking a ham for Easter dinner. A ham requires a lot of time in the oven and having your oven on all day will raise your energy bill. This year, try preparing the ham out on the grill! There are many tasty recipes that will have you and your guests wanting more. This tasty ham will keep your company happy while also saving you money on your utility bill.

Get the Most out of Your StoveWhen preparing side dishes on the stove top, be sure to use a pot or pan that is the proper size for the unit you’ll be using. Most electric stove tops have different size burners. Using a small pot on a large burner will require extra energy that’s not being utilized. Be careful to use pots and pans on the burner that fits best.

Work Smarter, Not HarderSome people like to wash dishes as they’re cooking to save time on end of the meal clean up. However, if you have a dishwasher, it is best to wait until the end of the meal to wash all of the dishes. Hand washing a few pots and pans will just waste water. By fully stocking the dishwasher, you’ll get the most out of the water and energy being used.

Let the light inWith the clocks set an hour ahead, it will be lighter outside longer. Opt for natural light by opening up or curtains or blinds and let the sun light up your home. Instead of using your lighting fixtures, you can do this in every room and it will bright up your home while saving you money.

Activate your childrenWhether you’re hosting Easter dinner or your kids are home from school on break, you can easily use some extra energy because of your children. If the weather is nice, encourage the kids to get some fresh air and play outside – endless hours with the television and lights on can rack up your electric bill. Should the weather not be so favorable, suggest they play some board or card games.

Out of town smartsFor those of you traveling to relatives, friends or going on vacation over Easter – you can still cut costs. Unplug your devices and major appliances. This includes your TV, DVD Player, microwave and toaster oven for example. Even though these appliances and devices are turned off, they still use energy just by being plugged in. Instead of leaving the lights in your home on the whole time you’re gone for safety purposes, use a timer system so your lights are only on for a few hours during the day.