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Punxsutawney Phil Predicts an Early Spring!

Gilley says, “Punxsutawney Phil predicts an early spring! Are you ready for winter to snow the hail away?”

It looks like Gilley’s wish came true on Groundhog Day when Punxsutawney Phil came out of his burrow and didn’t see his shadow. As legend has it, that means we’re in for an early spring- though it seems hard to imagine in currently snow-covered Pittsburgh where more snow continues to fall. We’ll follow Phil’s prediction anyway and forego six more weeks of ice, snow, and freezing temperatures and the need for hats, scarves, and gloves. Gilley has already jumped the gun by pulling out some of his favorite warm-weather gear, including sunglasses, a sunhat, and a breezy Hawaiian shirt. He’s ready for sunshine, blooming flowers, and fellow feathered friends flying across clear blue skies. A parrot can dream, can’t he?

Whenever spring finally does arrive, it’s a good idea to be prepared. Spring cleaning, for instance, helps a home’s upkeep through indoor and outdoor cleaning and organizing. Most maintenance involves cleaning up the mess left behind by months of snow and ice and making sure homes are ready for the new season. Some areas of maintenance include cleaning out gutters, checking for leaks, cleaning off the air conditioner and having it inspected, testing home alarms and detectors, and packing away winter items. Luckily for Gilley who isn’t a fan of spring cleaning, Gillece can help with many home maintenance needs in order to keep a home safe and in good shape for warm weather.

While Gilley basks under a heat lamp and dreams of spring’s forecasted early arrival, the rest of us can wait out the winter and continue to heat our homes, bundle up, mind the fireplace, and spend some time outside building snowmen. Whether it’s freezing today and sunny tomorrow, or snowing this week and raining the next, Gillece has any service to meet a home’s weather-related needs. And for Gilley’s sake, let’s hope we do see an early spring!