How Sump Pumps Help Keep a Home Comfortable and Safe
If a homeowner has asked, “What is a sump pump?” this article will help answer that question. If a home has a basement and there are thunderstorms or worse kinds of severe weather in the area, water can make its way into the basement. Because basements are, by definition, below ground, it can be challenging to remove water from them. That is where the sump pump comes in.
What Is the Basic Function of a Sump Pump
Sump pumps are made specifically to help pump water out of basement areas. If a contractor has done a proper job in building a home, then the basement will have an area of lower elevation known as a sump pit or sump pump basin. This is designed to collect any water that may enter the basement, and the sump pump can then be used to get rid of the water.
It removes the water to a predetermined spot determined by the homeowner, such as a sewer entrance or a drainage ditch. Often they do not need to be turned on manually once flooding starts. Many pumps have a sump pump float switch that activates the pump when water reaches a certain level in the sump basin. The following section will discuss the types of sump pumps.
Sump Pumps by Category
Though the purpose of all sump pumps is to remove water from the home, their designs can be quite different. There are four different types of sump pumps, and they are outlined below.
- Pedestal Sump Pumps: These pumps sit outside the sump basin and have a hose or tube that goes into it. The water is pulled up and out through this hose into the pump and out of the building. These are ideal for small basins as the whole pump does not need to fit into it. They are slightly more expensive than the submersible type but generally last longer due to less wear and tear since they are not underwater. They are also louder than submersible pumps.
- Submersible Sump Pumps: These pumps fit directly into the sump basin and take up less space than their pedestal counterparts since they fit inside the basin. They typically have more power and are quieter, but they don’t last as long and must have a large enough sump pit to work correctly.
- Battery Backup Sump Pumps: These are what they sound like. These pumps use battery power when the general power to a home is lost due to a power outage that may accompany storms. They are less powerful but keep the water flowing out of the house during an outage.
- Combination Sump Pumps: These pumps use both kinds of power, regular house power, and have a battery backup system. These are an excellent choice in areas with power infrastructure issues in addition to flooding.
The Benefits of Sump Pump Installation
The reasons for getting a sump pump should be clear now, but here are the benefits of installing one:
- Sump pumps help protect the home and personal property against water damage and flooding.
- Should the worst happen, they make flooding cleanup much easier and cheaper.
- Sump pumps give homeowners peace of mind that their home is protected.
About Gillece Services
Gillece Services has over 40 years of experience serving the greater Pittsburgh, PA area. They provide flat rate pricing, financing options, and the latest technology. Call them today for sump pump services in Pittsburgh, PA.
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