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3 Easy Ways to Cut Cooling Costs This Summer

How to Spend Less on Staying Cool for the Summer

Pennsylvania summers may not be as hot as in some parts of the country, but they’re nothing to scoff at, either. It can get uncomfortably toasty without air conditioning, especially with the summer humidity, making it harder to cool off. Unfortunately, running the air conditioner around the clock can use up a lot of electricity and make the monthly energy bills skyrocket.

But staying cool in the summer shouldn’t have to mean paying a fortune for electricity! So this article will share three pro tips for reducing cooling costs – without sacrificing home comfort or sweating it out all summer!

Invest in a Programmable or Smart Thermostat

thermostatOne thing that contributes to high energy costs in the summer is if the AC is set to one fixed temperature all day. And for those with standard non-programmable thermostats whose functionality doesn’t go beyond an ON/OFF switch and UP/DOWN arrows for adjusting temperature, this usually happens.

On the other hand, homeowners can create a custom cooling schedule that matches their habits with a programmable thermostat. So instead of having to remember to adjust the thermostat before leaving for work or getting in bed, they can set the thermostat in advance to make those changes automatically. This more dynamic approach to temperature regulation can dramatically reduce energy waste.

To take this idea further, homeowners can upgrade to a smart thermostat. These also allow for a custom schedule, but they also track usage habits and recommend changes to boost efficiency further. Some models even make these changes on their own. Smart thermostats come with various other features to improve efficiency, such as occupancy sensors (to avoid cooling an empty house) and the ability to control the thermostat remotely via any mobile device.

Install Weatherstripping

weather strippingAnother thing that can unnecessarily increase cooling costs is the loss of cool air through cracks or gaps around windows and doors. As cool air escapes the home and warm air rushes in to take its place, the AC will have to run longer and more frequently to maintain the correct indoor temperature.

To solve this issue and reduce cooling costs, homeowners can install weatherstripping and draft stoppers around the edges of windows and doors. These are typically foam, rubber, or vinyl strips that help seal any gaps and keep cool air indoors where it belongs. There are several different types of weatherstripping on the market, but most are fairly inexpensive and easy to install.

Use Fans More and the AC Less

There’s one more great way to save money on the electric bills during the summer – just don’t run the AC as much! After all, air conditioners consume more energy than any other single appliance in the home, so the less it’s used, the better. Of course, no one wants to be hot and miserable just to save a few bucks, but with the help of ceiling fans, they won’t have to! 

Ceiling fans help to circulate air throughout the house and assist with the body’s natural heat ventilation process (the air from the fan carries heat away from the skin). So by turning on the home’s ceiling fans, homeowners can get away with raising the temperature on the thermostat by a few degrees and still stay cool. Doing this for even a few hours daily can significantly reduce cooling costs. However, homeowners should always ensure their ceiling fan blades rotate counter-clockwise (as viewed from below) in the summer, as this ceiling fan direction will push the air down into the room for maximum cooling effect.

About Gillece Services

The award-winning Gillece Services has been handling Pittsburgh’s HVAC, plumbing, and electrical needs for over 40 years. They offer competitive, upfront pricing and financing and can take your call 24/7, so homeowners know they can count on Gillece for air conditioning services or ceiling fan and thermostat installation in Pittsburgh, PA!