Gilley says, “Need a furnace fix? Gillece provides maintenance and repair services for your home heating!”
It officially happened: the weather cooled down and you turned on your furnace for the first time in several months. Now, you’re noticing that something isn’t quite right. Maybe your heat came on but won’t stay on. Maybe your house isn’t getting as warm as it should. Or maybe your furnace is making a strange squealing or rumbling noise. Sound familiar? Whatever the problem, Gillece is there to provide a home heating solution for you.
Some furnace problems are typical for a large piece of equipment that hasn’t operated in a while. Many are due to a malfunctioning thermostat, circuit breaker or heat exchanger issue, or a dirty air filter. These issues come to form when you turn on your furnace and discover poor heat distribution, odors, noises, etc. While Gillece knows that maintenance and inspections can help to prevent a lot of these problems, a Gillece HVAC Technician can still fix your furnace when something goes wrong to get your home sufficiently heated again.
Gillece Heating Services not only works on furnaces, but boilers, heat pumps, and thermostats, as well! We cover all of your home’s heating needs for the most comfortable environment possible during a long, frigid winter. If your furnace or other heating system isn’t working the way it should to heat your home, keep you warm, and keep your family safe, call Gillece! We’ll be open every day, all day, all winter long!