Swimming pools are a great way to escape the heat and is potentially one of the best features of your home. Although swimming pools are only used several months out of the year, you can still experience plumbing issues with them. Swimming pools have the power to cause some sever damage as well as cost you a bundle to repair if you’re not careful. If you are a new owner of a residential swimming pool, educate yourself on the following common plumbing problems pools can have – it will save you a hassle and a headache later.
One of the worst potential plumbing problems that can happen with your residential swimming pool are leaks. This is something you might not notice at first and perhaps maybe not even for a while, but it can be extremely detrimental. A leaking swimming pool can ruin its foundation and the surrounding ground while also raising the cost of chemicals you put in your pool and raising your water bill.
This is something you obviously want to catch early on, but how can you tell if your swimming pool has a leak? There are three simple yet important things you can keep track of that will help you quickly identify signs of a leak.
1. As a residential pool owner, it is a good idea to keep an ongoing record of your water bill all year long. This will help you keep track of how much money you spend on water month to month. During the summer, if the amount you spend on water in August compared to July or August of the previous year spikes dramatically, this may indicate a leak in your swimming pool.
2. To quickly identify a leak, keep a record of how many times you add water to the swimming pool. If you find that your water bill has increased along with an increase in adding water to the pool more than normal, odds are you most definitely have a leak somewhere in the pool.
3. The third record you should keep is how often you add chemicals to the swimming pool. If the swimming pool is leaking, then you’ll have less water, meaning you’ll have to add more fresh water and therefore, more chemicals. An increase in adding more chemicals to your swimming pool also increases your chances of having a leak.
Should you speculate that your swimming pool has a leak, call a professional to determine the source and to solve the problem.
Another common plumbing problem with swimming pools is a clogged or capped main drain. Swimming pools function by taking water from the main drain and the skimmer. When the main drain is clogged or capped, the pool can no longer function efficiently and will filter much slower. What does this mean? Your pool will have a more difficult time staying clean. If your pool seems to be constantly green no matter how often you add chemicals, shock or clean it, check the main drain to see if it has become clogged or has been capped in the past.