We live in a world of iPhones and tablets – technology is constantly at our fingertips for virtually everything. Why not take advantage of this advanced technology and use it to make home maintenance projects even easier?
Check out the top-rated and FREE home maintenance apps for all your devices:
Home Depot
Shopping just got a whole lot easier with the free Home Depot app. Instead of spending hours online or in the store attempting to compare prices, this app allows you to easily compare prices of different products. Many items offer free shipping through this app and the GPS feature allows you to not only locate the nearest store location, but helps you actually find the items inside of the store! Kiss spending hours of going up and down the isles searching for obscure items goodbye! This app will save you so much time, why even wait to finish reading this blog to download it?
Honestly, what can’t this app do? For those of you surviving off of life hacks, this app was made for you. The app not only provides you with common DIY home maintenance projects but it allows you to customize various alerts for your home, set up a task list, store savings and maintenance goals – just to name a few things. At the end of the day, this free app will help you save money!
When completing DIY home maintenance projects, some of the best tips come from those who have already done what you’re attempting to do. iFixit is a free app with an entire community that provides advice, shared experiences, and the best ways to complete the task at hand. Not only does this app provide helpful information and complete manuals, but it also allows you to ask questions and provides links for you to purchase the best tools for your project.