Gilley Says, “Be Aware of Heating Safety This Season! Gillece Helps One Family Following a Carbon Monoxide Emergency.”
Heating season means the arrival of cold weather and the first-time operation of home heating systems, furnaces being one of the most popular. When heating appliances are turned on for the winter, incidents of carbon monoxide leaks and poisonings increase. Fuel-burning appliances, like furnaces and gas water heaters, can emit toxic carbon monoxide into your home when damages are present or ventilation is obstructed. You can help to prevent leaks and other problems by maintaining your appliances and having them professionally inspected.
A family in Beaver County recently experienced a carbon monoxide leak in their home that stemmed from a damaged furnace. Cracked heat exchangers are most often to blame for CO leaks and require professional inspection in order to be detected. The family of ten luckily made it out of their home before the situation became any worse. When Gillece learned about the family’s story, they wanted to help, and soon did so by installing a new high efficiency furnace for them.
High efficiency furnaces perform better, save energy, and help to reduce heating costs when compared to older, low efficiency models. After the carbon monoxide leak, the family can heat their home again safely and will have a comfortable, well-heated home all winter. Gillece urges homeowners to practice heating safety each and every year through maintenance and inspections, as it is truly better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your home and your family’s health.
Learn more about carbon monoxide, visit